Cincin Kawin Bandung - Pernikahan membutuhkan perencanaan berbulan-bulan (atau bahkan bertahun-tahun!), Dan ketika hari besar tiba, ada tim impian di belakang Anda dan tunangan Anda: tim pernikahan Anda. Ini adalah vendor yang selalu Anda hubungi, terutama selama minggu-minggu terakhir menjelang hari istimewa Anda. Sebagian besar dari mereka yang Anda kenal secara pribadi, dan mereka mungkin akhirnya menjadi teman Anda.
Vendor pernikahan sangat bersemangat dengan pekerjaan mereka, dan jika Anda dapat menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka dalam rapat, panggilan telepon, dan dalam banyak email itu, Anda akan mengetahui bahwa mereka telah mencatat kesukaan dan ketidaksukaan Anda, prioritas Anda dan "baik-untuk-kaya," dan bahkan permintaan Anda, tidak peduli seberapa besar atau kecil atau anehnya permintaan itu. Meskipun senang menerima persen dan disebutkan dalam pidato terima kasih pasangan, ada cara lain untuk menunjukkan penghargaan kepada tim yang bekerja tanpa lelah sehingga Anda dapat memiliki pernikahan impian Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan setelah pernikahan atau ketika Anda kembali dari bulan madu Anda.
Tuliskan Mereka Terima Kasih
Catatan terima kasih yang menyentuh dengan tangan adalah impian setiap vendor pernikahan. Poin bonus jika Anda mengingat nama setiap orang dalam tim. Ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak dilupakan ketika Anda mengucapkan terima kasih kepada setiap tamu Anda karena merayakan cinta Anda, dan bahwa kerja keras mereka adalah bagian besar dari kenangan pernikahan Anda yang indah.
… Anda Juga Dapat Menambahkan Hadiah Kecil
Apakah itu sebotol anggur, gadget kecil yang dapat mereka gunakan setiap hari, atau makanan dan permen untuk seluruh tim mereka, menerima hadiah dari klien setelah pernikahan selalu menyenangkan dan membesarkan hati. Tidak ada daftar hadiah standar untuk ini, tetapi sesuatu yang pribadi selalu menyenangkan.
Jadilah Referensi
Seringkali, calon klien meminta referensi dari klien sebelumnya sebelum memesan vendor pernikahan. Jika Anda memiliki waktu ekstra, Anda dapat menawarkan untuk menjadi referensi yang dapat dijangkau oleh klien potensial ini, sehingga Anda dapat berbagi pengalaman pribadi Anda dengan mereka.
Kirim Bisnis Baru Dengan Cara Mereka
Dari mulut ke mulut masih merupakan alat pemasaran yang paling efektif dalam industri pernikahan, dan itu akan sangat berarti bagi vendor pernikahan jika Anda mengirim satu atau dua cara mereka. Jika salah satu tamu pernikahan Anda bertunangan, ingatkan mereka tentang pernikahan Anda sendiri dan rujuk vendor Anda. Hadiah terbaik yang dapat Anda berikan kepada vendor pernikahan Anda adalah bisnis baru!
Rekomended : Cincin Tunangan Bandung
Rave Tentang Mereka Online
Jika Anda tidak memiliki referensi pada saat ini, hal terbaik berikutnya adalah rave tentang mereka secara online. Media sosial besar di industri pernikahan, jadi beri tag vendor Anda setiap kali Anda memposting gambar dari pernikahan Anda untuk memberi mereka kredit. Sebagian besar vendor pernikahan memiliki profil di Google dan situs pernikahan lainnya, jadi tinggalkan ulasan yang bersinar di mana pun Anda bisa untuk membantu membangun bisnis mereka. Perincikan tentang apa yang Anda anggap mengesankan tentang vendor tertentu. Anda juga akan membantu pengantin perempuan lain dengan pengalaman Anda.
Apakah semua yang dilakukan vendor pernikahan untuk Anda menjadi bagian dari pekerjaan mereka? Iya. Tetapi ketika itu adalah hari yang paling penting dalam hidup Anda, Anda memperhatikan detail terkecil dan itu penting. Vendor pernikahan Anda tahu betapa pentingnya hari ini bagi Anda, dan akan melakukan segalanya untuk melaksanakan rencana Anda dengan lancar dan sempurna. Jadi, bahkan ketika Anda merasa lelah dari semua perayaan, ingatlah untuk berterima kasih kepada mereka yang membuat hari istimewa Anda sukses.
Even if you must order it and have it shipped
Great Places to cincin tunangan bandung Play in New York New York actually has a great deal to offer young and old kids alike who enjoy very little better than playing a great game, video or otherwise. For those of you who enjoy this particular pastime, there are many unique opportunities in New York City in which you can participate in the games you enjoy so much while spending time with friends and family.
Astroland Amusement Park at Coney Island has much to offer the adventurous gamer. From thrills and chills on the midway to the Cyclone Roller Coaster and many wonderful rides in between, this park also offers arcade game rooms along the way where you can play video games of all kinds. This is great for those rainy days when you can't ride the rides or simply when it's just too hot to stand in line. It's also a great bonding experience for father cincin emas bandung and sun to play the games together and see who has the edge at any given moment.
Dave and Busters is a unique dining experience while offering a wide selection of gaming options. This is not your average arcade food by any means. In fact, this isn't your kids arcade or their arcade games. Dave and Busters offers good food and great fun under one roof and if you have the chance I recommend you take the big kid in you to try it out.
The ESPN Zone is a great place to spend the day with the family. They offer food, fun, and 200 televisions. Who could ask for more? The food is American grill type food and the entertainment is for the most part sports themed and interactive. If you're looking for a great way to bond with the kids this is definitely better than Chuck E. Cheese, especially for the slightly older kids.
The Nintendo World Store is another wonderful attraction that is located at 10 Rockefeller Plaza. This neat store will have your kids thinking you're the coolest parent on the planet just for bringing them. That of course will not stop them from asking for everything they see but it will buy you a few minutes of coolness before they grow tired of hearing the word no. You may want to relent at some point however as there is some merchandise cincin kawin bandung offered that is exclusive to this store and cannot be found elsewhere. Even if you must order it and have it shipped home for a later surprise it is better not to always wait until too late to find out you can't get something (at least not without a costly trip to New York). Perhaps one of the coolest things about this particular store is that your kids can try out games that haven't been released yet so they can go back to school with the inside scoop on the latest Nintendo games and you are once again world's coolest mom.
Even for the technologically challenged parents among us it is often a good idea just to enjoy playing games with your kids. Even if they win or maybe, especially if they win, let's hope they are better winners than we were when we were kids. I think we all need to take the time to play with our little ones every chance we get. They grow up so fast and one day they will stop asking us to play with them.
Astroland Amusement Park at Coney Island has much to offer the adventurous gamer. From thrills and chills on the midway to the Cyclone Roller Coaster and many wonderful rides in between, this park also offers arcade game rooms along the way where you can play video games of all kinds. This is great for those rainy days when you can't ride the rides or simply when it's just too hot to stand in line. It's also a great bonding experience for father cincin emas bandung and sun to play the games together and see who has the edge at any given moment.
Dave and Busters is a unique dining experience while offering a wide selection of gaming options. This is not your average arcade food by any means. In fact, this isn't your kids arcade or their arcade games. Dave and Busters offers good food and great fun under one roof and if you have the chance I recommend you take the big kid in you to try it out.
The ESPN Zone is a great place to spend the day with the family. They offer food, fun, and 200 televisions. Who could ask for more? The food is American grill type food and the entertainment is for the most part sports themed and interactive. If you're looking for a great way to bond with the kids this is definitely better than Chuck E. Cheese, especially for the slightly older kids.
The Nintendo World Store is another wonderful attraction that is located at 10 Rockefeller Plaza. This neat store will have your kids thinking you're the coolest parent on the planet just for bringing them. That of course will not stop them from asking for everything they see but it will buy you a few minutes of coolness before they grow tired of hearing the word no. You may want to relent at some point however as there is some merchandise cincin kawin bandung offered that is exclusive to this store and cannot be found elsewhere. Even if you must order it and have it shipped home for a later surprise it is better not to always wait until too late to find out you can't get something (at least not without a costly trip to New York). Perhaps one of the coolest things about this particular store is that your kids can try out games that haven't been released yet so they can go back to school with the inside scoop on the latest Nintendo games and you are once again world's coolest mom.
Even for the technologically challenged parents among us it is often a good idea just to enjoy playing games with your kids. Even if they win or maybe, especially if they win, let's hope they are better winners than we were when we were kids. I think we all need to take the time to play with our little ones every chance we get. They grow up so fast and one day they will stop asking us to play with them.
Spent some time working with those programs
Get Rich Quick Scams RevealedRead this article before you consider paying for a "get rich quick" program. Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I sewa tenda pameran bandung found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time.
I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.
Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs.
Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered. I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.
In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.
I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!
Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,
I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.
Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs.
Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered. I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.
In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.
I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!
Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!
To Your Online Success,
Whether you are a small business owner
Anyone with a home office, computer or kids in need of school supplies is most likely familiar with a store called OfficeMax. The company was founded bikin jersey marathon in April 1988 and the first OfficeMax store opened in Cleveland, Ohio in July of that same year. The superstore chain now has over 900 locations in the United States and Mexico with just about every kind of office supply item you’d ever need from electronics, furniture and software to post-its and pencils.
Over the years, OfficeMax has taken on business ventures with several well-established companies such as Hewlett-Packard. Their goal is to provide consumers with the highest rated state-of-the-art services and products.
In addition to their partnership with Hewlett-Packard, another undertaking OfficeMax took on was a business venture with the Earthlink internet provider service in 2001. The two companies decided to hook up and market a wide variety of internet services to focus on the small business customer. As a result of this enterprise, Earthlink became the preferred provider of internet services to OfficeMax’s customers. Web hosting, dial-up and broadband connectivity are some of the Internet services the two companies offer by what OfficeMax refers to as ‘an interactive store-within-a-store’. They have made it available at all of the OfficeMax locations and online through the Business Services area of
OfficeMax's chairman and chief executive officer, Michael Feuer said basically, that they chose EarthLink because of it strong customer focus. OfficeMax was further impressed by Earthlink’s operation because they stand behind their customer service commitment and constantly offer new technology to help small business customers become more efficient and effective. Additionally, EarthLink agreed to and continues providing training to OfficeMax employees on concepts that are designed to provide both of their customer Pesan jersey sepeda bases with awareness and accessibility to the latest internet services.
OfficeMax and Earthlink view their combined business venture a win/win opportunity for both the companies and their customers. Earthlink feels that through their agreement with OfficeMax, they will be achieving a solid, retail-level method for reaching millions of small business customers. Both corporations also have the opportunity to provide their customers with new services they can use for accessing the internet which will increase productivity for their businesses.
Whether you are a small business owner, home-based professional or regular, all-American family with office and computer supply needs in addition to internet services, you can depend on OfficeMax for quality products and services. Check them out at
Over the years, OfficeMax has taken on business ventures with several well-established companies such as Hewlett-Packard. Their goal is to provide consumers with the highest rated state-of-the-art services and products.
In addition to their partnership with Hewlett-Packard, another undertaking OfficeMax took on was a business venture with the Earthlink internet provider service in 2001. The two companies decided to hook up and market a wide variety of internet services to focus on the small business customer. As a result of this enterprise, Earthlink became the preferred provider of internet services to OfficeMax’s customers. Web hosting, dial-up and broadband connectivity are some of the Internet services the two companies offer by what OfficeMax refers to as ‘an interactive store-within-a-store’. They have made it available at all of the OfficeMax locations and online through the Business Services area of
OfficeMax's chairman and chief executive officer, Michael Feuer said basically, that they chose EarthLink because of it strong customer focus. OfficeMax was further impressed by Earthlink’s operation because they stand behind their customer service commitment and constantly offer new technology to help small business customers become more efficient and effective. Additionally, EarthLink agreed to and continues providing training to OfficeMax employees on concepts that are designed to provide both of their customer Pesan jersey sepeda bases with awareness and accessibility to the latest internet services.
OfficeMax and Earthlink view their combined business venture a win/win opportunity for both the companies and their customers. Earthlink feels that through their agreement with OfficeMax, they will be achieving a solid, retail-level method for reaching millions of small business customers. Both corporations also have the opportunity to provide their customers with new services they can use for accessing the internet which will increase productivity for their businesses.
Whether you are a small business owner, home-based professional or regular, all-American family with office and computer supply needs in addition to internet services, you can depend on OfficeMax for quality products and services. Check them out at
my banker and I have a good relationship
A growing number of community banks are recognizing that new and more aggressive competitors are taking new business they “believed” they would or “should” have. To help combat this they no longer accept the practice of “business as usual.” They are taking the time-proven actions it takes to train, coach cincin kawin bandung and reward their key business development team members to get them out on the street. Program results are showing ROI’s of up to 30—to-1!
This isn’t easy, to say the least. A major culture change is required for most community banks when it comes to selling. Bankers have long been of the mindset that banking is a business built when prospects come to the bank and request the service they want. Unfortunately the consumer has developed a slightly different mindset lately.
“Yes, my banker and I have a good relationship but that doesn’t mean I will only consult them for financial needs and services. There are lots of other options. ” Friends are friends but when money is involved there is a different emotion involved……greed.
The CEO of First Bank in Ketchikan, Alaska, Bill Moran, decided something new must be tried when he started planning for this new year. “I realized that to meet our growth goals we must be more aggressive about taking business from our competition and improve our “unfair share” of our market. There wasn’t cincin tunangan bandung sufficient market expansion to maintain our historical growth and profit levels.”
First Bank launched its’ new effort with a 120-day action plan in January 2006 for its’ six branches. The intended focus was to be solely on gaining new customers and establishing new relationships.
“Some of the participating officers found it very difficult to break away from the familiar clients to concentrate only on prospects that had no prior relationship, “said Eric Bjella, VP and Program Manger.
The first step was to assess the sales strengths of each team member. It was important to know who were likely to make calls and build relationships easily (Hunters) and those with good processing and service-related skills but less confidence in their abilities to communicate with prospects (Farmers). This was followed with a professional sales skills training session which included each member identifying from 5-10 prospects.
“The individual assessments and audience reactions to the training were very informative,” said Bjella. “Some of our people felt they never could be successful at making cold calls to strangers. But were they surprised!”
The training showed how to: qualify prospects, make impossible appointments, start building respect and trust from the first appointment, getting to real pains/needs and overcoming objections for desired actions.
The First Bank team met every 10 days in groups of 12 to report progress against their specific targets. While slow at first, calling activity grew and success was gradually achieved. Through coaching and confidence built on successful experiences, sales meetings progressed from a reluctance to report to lively dialogues between members, sharing helpful prospect insights with each other.
One member reported being devastated on her first call, to the point of tears. Executive Vice President Jack Vaughn reported this prospect had also called him to complain, only to contact him later, inviting him to attend a competitor’s bank sponsored business owners meeting. ”Wonders never cease to amaze me, Jack said. I didn’t think we would ever get any where with this prospect and then she did a complete turnaround.”
At the end of the 120 days First Bank captured several new customers, representing over $300,000 in new income to the bank’s bottom line. Less the training expenses that gave a 30-to-1 ROI, income vs. expenses. Other contacts made during this period are expected to move to First Bank in a few months through continued follow-up activities.
A different success story comes from a bank holding company in Iowa. Bank Iowa Corporation felt it was time for a sales culture to be started within at each of its 6 independently chartered banks, serving 17 communities.
“We never had any sales training in our Company’s history, said Michael Thompson, VP and Program Leader. Our CEO, Stan Honken, challenged our presidents to have an officer calling program in place by year-end. I contacted some firms who might help us start a sales culture. After reviewing four, we selected Wemmers Consulting Group from Atlanta. Their program impressed us with its’ accountability factors, experience in bank training and real world application following the skills training.”
Bank Iowa’s Calling Teams intermingled Hunters and Farmers and all branch locations. Their program’s primary goal was to get Bank Iowa folks from behind their desks and out calling on prospects. Sales progress meetings were held every two weeks. A sales progress report, prepared by Amy Armitage, was updated and dispersed to all concerned.
“As Rick had alerted us, calling activity was slow at first but picked up as calling frustrations and excuses were addressed and resolved in the weekly meetings. “We all learned a lot about the process of business development. This will be quite helpful as we continue forward with this program,” Michael said.
It is estimated that Bank Iowa’s 60-day effort helped bring in some $13 million in new business or about $400,000 in new income. Subtracting the sales program expenses this resulted in a 23% ROI.
This isn’t easy, to say the least. A major culture change is required for most community banks when it comes to selling. Bankers have long been of the mindset that banking is a business built when prospects come to the bank and request the service they want. Unfortunately the consumer has developed a slightly different mindset lately.
“Yes, my banker and I have a good relationship but that doesn’t mean I will only consult them for financial needs and services. There are lots of other options. ” Friends are friends but when money is involved there is a different emotion involved……greed.
The CEO of First Bank in Ketchikan, Alaska, Bill Moran, decided something new must be tried when he started planning for this new year. “I realized that to meet our growth goals we must be more aggressive about taking business from our competition and improve our “unfair share” of our market. There wasn’t cincin tunangan bandung sufficient market expansion to maintain our historical growth and profit levels.”
First Bank launched its’ new effort with a 120-day action plan in January 2006 for its’ six branches. The intended focus was to be solely on gaining new customers and establishing new relationships.
“Some of the participating officers found it very difficult to break away from the familiar clients to concentrate only on prospects that had no prior relationship, “said Eric Bjella, VP and Program Manger.
The first step was to assess the sales strengths of each team member. It was important to know who were likely to make calls and build relationships easily (Hunters) and those with good processing and service-related skills but less confidence in their abilities to communicate with prospects (Farmers). This was followed with a professional sales skills training session which included each member identifying from 5-10 prospects.
“The individual assessments and audience reactions to the training were very informative,” said Bjella. “Some of our people felt they never could be successful at making cold calls to strangers. But were they surprised!”
The training showed how to: qualify prospects, make impossible appointments, start building respect and trust from the first appointment, getting to real pains/needs and overcoming objections for desired actions.
The First Bank team met every 10 days in groups of 12 to report progress against their specific targets. While slow at first, calling activity grew and success was gradually achieved. Through coaching and confidence built on successful experiences, sales meetings progressed from a reluctance to report to lively dialogues between members, sharing helpful prospect insights with each other.
One member reported being devastated on her first call, to the point of tears. Executive Vice President Jack Vaughn reported this prospect had also called him to complain, only to contact him later, inviting him to attend a competitor’s bank sponsored business owners meeting. ”Wonders never cease to amaze me, Jack said. I didn’t think we would ever get any where with this prospect and then she did a complete turnaround.”
At the end of the 120 days First Bank captured several new customers, representing over $300,000 in new income to the bank’s bottom line. Less the training expenses that gave a 30-to-1 ROI, income vs. expenses. Other contacts made during this period are expected to move to First Bank in a few months through continued follow-up activities.
A different success story comes from a bank holding company in Iowa. Bank Iowa Corporation felt it was time for a sales culture to be started within at each of its 6 independently chartered banks, serving 17 communities.
“We never had any sales training in our Company’s history, said Michael Thompson, VP and Program Leader. Our CEO, Stan Honken, challenged our presidents to have an officer calling program in place by year-end. I contacted some firms who might help us start a sales culture. After reviewing four, we selected Wemmers Consulting Group from Atlanta. Their program impressed us with its’ accountability factors, experience in bank training and real world application following the skills training.”
Bank Iowa’s Calling Teams intermingled Hunters and Farmers and all branch locations. Their program’s primary goal was to get Bank Iowa folks from behind their desks and out calling on prospects. Sales progress meetings were held every two weeks. A sales progress report, prepared by Amy Armitage, was updated and dispersed to all concerned.
“As Rick had alerted us, calling activity was slow at first but picked up as calling frustrations and excuses were addressed and resolved in the weekly meetings. “We all learned a lot about the process of business development. This will be quite helpful as we continue forward with this program,” Michael said.
It is estimated that Bank Iowa’s 60-day effort helped bring in some $13 million in new business or about $400,000 in new income. Subtracting the sales program expenses this resulted in a 23% ROI.
Back-End Offers – Make Real Profits
Once you have a customer, you simply offer additional products, add-ons, upgrades, a super-deluxe version of the original product purchase with all the bells and whistles. The customer is already “sold” on the product or service, based produksi pin emas dan bikin pin emas logo on your sales material or presentation.
The back-end offer should supply the answer to “what’s next?” It should be related in some way to the original product, and the most successful back-end products are higher-priced accessories that makes it easier of better for the buyer than simply having the original.
A back end product should further enhance the product that the buyer intended to purchase. Whatever the original product does, a good back-end product will make it faster, better, more detailed, more complete or easier to use and benefit from – in essence it is far more helpful to the prospect in satisfying his wants, than is the original, more basic product.
Keys to Success
The success of back-end products can be attributed to having a captive, highly targeted audience who is definitely interested in achieving a specific result or solving a specific problem. The add-on product makes it easier to solve the prospect’s problem, quickly.
Another factor is to further sell the customer while he is still in the buying mode and while he is feeling good about solving a problem or moving closer towards a goal.
To come with examples of back-end products simply ask “What product or service could I also offer that would be a natural match for what my customer is buying now? A self-publisher could offer a booklet on a specific topic. As a back-end, he could offer the same topic covered in greater detail and presented in a multi-media format complete with audio cassettes, videos, manual and CD.
Opportunities for back-end or additional add-on products are easy to find. A shoe store can offer shoe buying customers, laces, polish, protectants or, other accessories, based on the type of shoe sold. Ever visit a theatre to watch a movie and not order popcorn, chips, soft drink, or some other refreshment? Those items are all back-end products. First you bought your tickets, then you went to the snack bar.
My local video store now offers “tape protection” as an extra option. It’s basically insurance against returning a damaged video. Since most videos rented out these days are new releases, tapes being returned in damaged condition are a rarity. Yet, many people gladly pay the extra twenty-five cents to “feel” secure. A clever new profit center for the video-rental industry.
The back-end offer should supply the answer to “what’s next?” It should be related in some way to the original product, and the most successful back-end products are higher-priced accessories that makes it easier of better for the buyer than simply having the original.
A back end product should further enhance the product that the buyer intended to purchase. Whatever the original product does, a good back-end product will make it faster, better, more detailed, more complete or easier to use and benefit from – in essence it is far more helpful to the prospect in satisfying his wants, than is the original, more basic product.
Keys to Success
The success of back-end products can be attributed to having a captive, highly targeted audience who is definitely interested in achieving a specific result or solving a specific problem. The add-on product makes it easier to solve the prospect’s problem, quickly.
Another factor is to further sell the customer while he is still in the buying mode and while he is feeling good about solving a problem or moving closer towards a goal.
To come with examples of back-end products simply ask “What product or service could I also offer that would be a natural match for what my customer is buying now? A self-publisher could offer a booklet on a specific topic. As a back-end, he could offer the same topic covered in greater detail and presented in a multi-media format complete with audio cassettes, videos, manual and CD.
Opportunities for back-end or additional add-on products are easy to find. A shoe store can offer shoe buying customers, laces, polish, protectants or, other accessories, based on the type of shoe sold. Ever visit a theatre to watch a movie and not order popcorn, chips, soft drink, or some other refreshment? Those items are all back-end products. First you bought your tickets, then you went to the snack bar.
My local video store now offers “tape protection” as an extra option. It’s basically insurance against returning a damaged video. Since most videos rented out these days are new releases, tapes being returned in damaged condition are a rarity. Yet, many people gladly pay the extra twenty-five cents to “feel” secure. A clever new profit center for the video-rental industry.
Auto Sales Training
If you're a salesperson whose dealership has recently gone online, you're probably wondering about the best way to handle online customers. This new breed is entirely different, and dealerships everywhere are incorporating internet pesan pin emas jogja dan bikin pin emas garuda sales techniques into their existing auto sales training programs as a result.
The internet buyer is much more discriminating than their offline counterpart. They are searching for added value, choice and much more than the best price.
Therefore, being able to turn their enquiries into sales should be the goal of all online dealerships. But how do you, as a salesperson go about this effectively?
To begin with, a good understanding of today's internet buyers is in order. They are much more educated about what can be had online. That's because most auto dealer websites allow them to do just about everything except kick the tires. Internet car buyers have greater control over the buying process. They can access information around the clock, greatly reduce searching time, comparison shop and even obtain financing online. That means that once they've reached you, they are much better informed than the car buyers of old. However, it doesn't mean that the salesperson has been outmoded! Salespeople are as an integral part of the auto-purchasing process as they've always been. Customers still need someone to help clear confusion and finalize the sale.
It should be understood that the internet presents a golden opportunity for auto retailers and sales people to re-evaluate and reinvent their customer image. For example, the online salesperson can elevate the entire dealership's image by assuming a more advisory role with customers. This role is highly important, considering that said customer will already know a great deal about what you have to offer. As well, internet buyers, already being used to the low pressure, self-controlled buying process are more likely to respond negatively to traditional pressure selling tactics.
Internet auto sales training should communicate the benefits of using the internet to engage a customer at the shopping stage and provide superior customer service, something that has always been a cornerstone of the auto industry. Training should also identify the benefits of utilizing internet customer relationship marketing to reinforce strong brand loyalty.
How many internet sales a dealership makes will ultimately depend on the amount of useful information on that dealership's website. Today's internet buyer will not wait for new information to be added; if a website does not have what they are looking for, they will simply go elsewhere. The internet is seen as 'the great equalizer' of all businesses. Dealerships are no longer just competing with companies down the street; they are being compared to dealerships world wide. Therefore, it is even more critical that any auto sales techniques be original and dynamic; something that catches the buyer's eye or ear and leaves them compelled to know more.
Customer service is just as important online as it is offline; the salesperson must be willing and able to follow up with any and all internet enquiries received. According to a recent J.D. Power Autoshopper survey, 22% of all new vehicle buyers said that the internet affected their choice of a dealer, up from 14% in 2002. Therefore, how a dealer or salesperson responds to internet requests is of increasing importance to customers.
Quality customer relationship management software is another way that a net-savvy dealership can manage its enquiries. Incorporating technology into the office has many other benefits as well. Today's salespeople can now communicate from anywhere, whether it via PDA, cell phone or laptop, making them more accessible to customers than ever before. Web chat offers an additional outlet for sales people and customers to connect, giving customers the opportunity to receive real-time answers to pressing questions.
But the tactics and advice is the same: take the time to listen to what customers are saying so that you can tailor services to meet their needs, don't rush the sale and if a problem arises, avoid excuses; instead, explain why the problem has occurred. Assume a courteous disposition, be willing to ask what you can do for them, and showcase the benefits of working with you and your dealership. Internet customers are after the same things traditional customers are; to be heard and be advised.
The internet buyer is much more discriminating than their offline counterpart. They are searching for added value, choice and much more than the best price.
Therefore, being able to turn their enquiries into sales should be the goal of all online dealerships. But how do you, as a salesperson go about this effectively?
To begin with, a good understanding of today's internet buyers is in order. They are much more educated about what can be had online. That's because most auto dealer websites allow them to do just about everything except kick the tires. Internet car buyers have greater control over the buying process. They can access information around the clock, greatly reduce searching time, comparison shop and even obtain financing online. That means that once they've reached you, they are much better informed than the car buyers of old. However, it doesn't mean that the salesperson has been outmoded! Salespeople are as an integral part of the auto-purchasing process as they've always been. Customers still need someone to help clear confusion and finalize the sale.
It should be understood that the internet presents a golden opportunity for auto retailers and sales people to re-evaluate and reinvent their customer image. For example, the online salesperson can elevate the entire dealership's image by assuming a more advisory role with customers. This role is highly important, considering that said customer will already know a great deal about what you have to offer. As well, internet buyers, already being used to the low pressure, self-controlled buying process are more likely to respond negatively to traditional pressure selling tactics.
Internet auto sales training should communicate the benefits of using the internet to engage a customer at the shopping stage and provide superior customer service, something that has always been a cornerstone of the auto industry. Training should also identify the benefits of utilizing internet customer relationship marketing to reinforce strong brand loyalty.
How many internet sales a dealership makes will ultimately depend on the amount of useful information on that dealership's website. Today's internet buyer will not wait for new information to be added; if a website does not have what they are looking for, they will simply go elsewhere. The internet is seen as 'the great equalizer' of all businesses. Dealerships are no longer just competing with companies down the street; they are being compared to dealerships world wide. Therefore, it is even more critical that any auto sales techniques be original and dynamic; something that catches the buyer's eye or ear and leaves them compelled to know more.
Customer service is just as important online as it is offline; the salesperson must be willing and able to follow up with any and all internet enquiries received. According to a recent J.D. Power Autoshopper survey, 22% of all new vehicle buyers said that the internet affected their choice of a dealer, up from 14% in 2002. Therefore, how a dealer or salesperson responds to internet requests is of increasing importance to customers.
Quality customer relationship management software is another way that a net-savvy dealership can manage its enquiries. Incorporating technology into the office has many other benefits as well. Today's salespeople can now communicate from anywhere, whether it via PDA, cell phone or laptop, making them more accessible to customers than ever before. Web chat offers an additional outlet for sales people and customers to connect, giving customers the opportunity to receive real-time answers to pressing questions.
But the tactics and advice is the same: take the time to listen to what customers are saying so that you can tailor services to meet their needs, don't rush the sale and if a problem arises, avoid excuses; instead, explain why the problem has occurred. Assume a courteous disposition, be willing to ask what you can do for them, and showcase the benefits of working with you and your dealership. Internet customers are after the same things traditional customers are; to be heard and be advised.
Adding Personal Touches to Your Wedding
A perfect wedding isn’t only beautiful, it’s personal. It’s got carefully selected details that are meaningful to you and your fiancé. Here are some very simple ways to add your own subtle, unique touches to your ceremony and jasa bikin baju sepeda jakarta reception:
•Write your own wedding vows. It doesn’t have to read like poetry; the important thing is that it comes from your own heart. Print it out on an index card and keep it handy during the ceremony.
•Compile a CD with songs that symbolize your relationship or how it evolved. Play this during your reception or even burn a copy and distribute as souvenirs. Insert a small piece of paper explaining why you chose those songs.
•Instead of tossing your bouquet, present it to your mother (or a dear friend or mentor) during your reception. You can also have an additional bouquet made for your groom to present his mother at the same time.
•Guests often have free time on their hands during their reception. In the center of the table, place several pens and small pieces of paper in a pretty basket. Ask them to write their wishes, prayers, or advice for you and your fiancé. Compile in a scrapbook jasa bikin kanopi jogja
•Most wedding reception programs revolve around the couple: friends give speeches. Do something for the guests. Make a video of you and your fiancé talking about the people who’ve taught you what true love means. Mention friends who’ve demonstrated real loyalty, or family members who made great sacrifices for you. Intersperse your video with their photos. This is your chance to say thank you to all of them.
•If you have a close friend or family member who passed away, make him or her part of the occasion by inserting a small photo in your bouquet, or lighting a tribute candle at the church ceremony.
•If you have ethnic roots, incorporate a marriage ritual from your culture into your ceremony or perform it during your reception.
•Wear an heirloom. For example, you can use your grandmother’s veil, or wear a locket that belongs to your mother. This is an excellent way of creating a sense of continuity between generations, celebrating your own family even as you go on to begin your own.
•Prepare an audio-video presentation that will be played during the last dance of the bride with the father. This can be just a simple montage of childhood photos. A guaranteed tear-jerker!
•If you have kids, help them feel like they’re part of the new family by asking them to stand next to you as you say your vows.
•Add little elements that say something about your relationship as a couple. For example, if you’re giving away picture frames, insert a poem that you wrote or a copy of your wedding vows. If you met at a beach (and would rather not have a beach-themed wedding) incorporate shells into your table centerpiece.
•Write your own wedding vows. It doesn’t have to read like poetry; the important thing is that it comes from your own heart. Print it out on an index card and keep it handy during the ceremony.
•Compile a CD with songs that symbolize your relationship or how it evolved. Play this during your reception or even burn a copy and distribute as souvenirs. Insert a small piece of paper explaining why you chose those songs.
•Instead of tossing your bouquet, present it to your mother (or a dear friend or mentor) during your reception. You can also have an additional bouquet made for your groom to present his mother at the same time.
•Guests often have free time on their hands during their reception. In the center of the table, place several pens and small pieces of paper in a pretty basket. Ask them to write their wishes, prayers, or advice for you and your fiancé. Compile in a scrapbook jasa bikin kanopi jogja
•Most wedding reception programs revolve around the couple: friends give speeches. Do something for the guests. Make a video of you and your fiancé talking about the people who’ve taught you what true love means. Mention friends who’ve demonstrated real loyalty, or family members who made great sacrifices for you. Intersperse your video with their photos. This is your chance to say thank you to all of them.
•If you have a close friend or family member who passed away, make him or her part of the occasion by inserting a small photo in your bouquet, or lighting a tribute candle at the church ceremony.
•If you have ethnic roots, incorporate a marriage ritual from your culture into your ceremony or perform it during your reception.
•Wear an heirloom. For example, you can use your grandmother’s veil, or wear a locket that belongs to your mother. This is an excellent way of creating a sense of continuity between generations, celebrating your own family even as you go on to begin your own.
•Prepare an audio-video presentation that will be played during the last dance of the bride with the father. This can be just a simple montage of childhood photos. A guaranteed tear-jerker!
•If you have kids, help them feel like they’re part of the new family by asking them to stand next to you as you say your vows.
•Add little elements that say something about your relationship as a couple. For example, if you’re giving away picture frames, insert a poem that you wrote or a copy of your wedding vows. If you met at a beach (and would rather not have a beach-themed wedding) incorporate shells into your table centerpiece.
A Celebration of Life Begins With Lunch
On an ordinary afternoon in St. Augustine, Fla., a group of extraordinary people met at a local restaurant for a single purpose - to celebrate their accomplishments, share inspiration and encourage each other while enjoying a jersey sepeda bandung meal.
They came for their weekly Friday lunch from all walks of life: parents and realtors, mortgage brokers and doctor's assistants, life coaches and flower shop employees. Many represented their own entrepreneurial ventures such as jewelry making, business coaching, spas and health clubs. Regardless of where they came from, they were there for each other, to spend an hour in support and fellowship.
These weekly luncheons are held in five other cities, sponsored by the organization Women Celebrations and attended by both men and women. Each luncheon has a theme that suggests the independence and success to which all people aspire, according to founder Sheryl Lynn. Themes have been as varied as "magnificence," "confidence" and "work." At an "applause" themed gathering, each attendee explained to the group why he or she deserved applause sewa tenda pameran bandung
Members talked about moving from out of state and changing careers, business successes and personal joys. Each of the speakers received heartfelt applause as they took a moment to "stand in their power," Lynn's expression for people's ability to find success and empowerment within themselves.
It was the need to celebrate everyday things that inspired Lynn to create Women Celebrations. Despite success as a mother of three and an entrepreneur, at the end of the day she felt exhausted and disheartened.
"I was not patting myself on the back upon the completion of these marvelous things. And certainly no one else was either," Lynn said.
In starting Women Celebrations, she created an environment in cincin tunangan bandung which support and encouragement played a vital role.
Today, Women Celebrations has a strong presence in northern Florida and more chapters, or "loops," are appearing across the country. The organization is open to everyone wishing to celebrate their lives, share their experiences with others through positive interaction and build a sense of community.
They came for their weekly Friday lunch from all walks of life: parents and realtors, mortgage brokers and doctor's assistants, life coaches and flower shop employees. Many represented their own entrepreneurial ventures such as jewelry making, business coaching, spas and health clubs. Regardless of where they came from, they were there for each other, to spend an hour in support and fellowship.
These weekly luncheons are held in five other cities, sponsored by the organization Women Celebrations and attended by both men and women. Each luncheon has a theme that suggests the independence and success to which all people aspire, according to founder Sheryl Lynn. Themes have been as varied as "magnificence," "confidence" and "work." At an "applause" themed gathering, each attendee explained to the group why he or she deserved applause sewa tenda pameran bandung
Members talked about moving from out of state and changing careers, business successes and personal joys. Each of the speakers received heartfelt applause as they took a moment to "stand in their power," Lynn's expression for people's ability to find success and empowerment within themselves.
It was the need to celebrate everyday things that inspired Lynn to create Women Celebrations. Despite success as a mother of three and an entrepreneur, at the end of the day she felt exhausted and disheartened.
"I was not patting myself on the back upon the completion of these marvelous things. And certainly no one else was either," Lynn said.
In starting Women Celebrations, she created an environment in cincin tunangan bandung which support and encouragement played a vital role.
Today, Women Celebrations has a strong presence in northern Florida and more chapters, or "loops," are appearing across the country. The organization is open to everyone wishing to celebrate their lives, share their experiences with others through positive interaction and build a sense of community.
5 Ways To Get The Best Use Out Of Your Home Treadmill
The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is jersey sepeda bandung that they won't use it.
You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days...and then it sits...and waits.
A few months down the road, you notice how dusty it has become and how much space it's taking up. And you remember how much weight you were determined to lose by using it faithfully every day. But now, unfortunately, it doubles as a clothes rack.
Never fear. This article will help you make sure that DOESN'T happen.
A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout & it's still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it's an investment in your health that will pay large dividends...if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it!
Here are 5 easy ways to get the BEST use from your home treadmill:
#1) Do your research first
Make sure jersey printing bandung you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs.
For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shock-assisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that's easy to move?
If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there's a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.)
Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible?
These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you're actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it!
#2) Place the treadmill in a 'happy' spot.
By 'happy' I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don't put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. I've tried this this and the workouts don't last long! If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out.
Rooms and spaces have definite 'feels' to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.
#3) Get your exercise arsenal ready BEFORE the treadmill arrives.
Do you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Do you like watching your favorite movies? What about reading magazines? What inspires you to work out and feel your best?
Get these things ready even before your treadmill arrives and you'll be three-quarters of the way there. Have several workout or favorite CD's around. Get your favorite movies or shows on tape. Gather your favorite magazines.
By having an 'exercise' stash around your treadmill, you'll be inspired to workout AND you won't be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start exercising.
Again, this may seem simple, but it works. Why do you think gyms have magazines, televisions and CD players handy?
#4) Make an exercise plan.
Before you start working out, try making a plan, a "roadmap to your rock-hard body" so to speak. By writing down how long and what kind of workout you'll be doing in week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, you'll get yourself psyched up for success.
Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want.
By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you've planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you'll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!)
#5) Track your progress
Ok this is related to #4 but it's more of an ongoing thing. cincin tunangan Bandung By tracking your progress every day, you get a major sense of accomplishment which snowballs into even greater fat-burning results.
I suggest you have 'minimum goals' like "I'll walk for at least 10 minutes." or "I'll do 5-30 second intervals." These are easy to do and you'll probably go beyond them - which will encourage you even further and heighten your sense of accomplishment.
And of course, you're also getting maximum benefit from your treadmill!
Those are 5 ways to get best use from your home treadmill. Just remember that even a little bit of preparation will pay off large dividends in the long run.
You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days...and then it sits...and waits.
A few months down the road, you notice how dusty it has become and how much space it's taking up. And you remember how much weight you were determined to lose by using it faithfully every day. But now, unfortunately, it doubles as a clothes rack.
Never fear. This article will help you make sure that DOESN'T happen.
A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout & it's still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it's an investment in your health that will pay large dividends...if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it!
Here are 5 easy ways to get the BEST use from your home treadmill:
#1) Do your research first
Make sure jersey printing bandung you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs.
For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shock-assisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that's easy to move?
If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there's a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.)
Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible?
These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you're actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it!
#2) Place the treadmill in a 'happy' spot.
By 'happy' I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don't put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. I've tried this this and the workouts don't last long! If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out.
Rooms and spaces have definite 'feels' to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.
#3) Get your exercise arsenal ready BEFORE the treadmill arrives.
Do you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Do you like watching your favorite movies? What about reading magazines? What inspires you to work out and feel your best?
Get these things ready even before your treadmill arrives and you'll be three-quarters of the way there. Have several workout or favorite CD's around. Get your favorite movies or shows on tape. Gather your favorite magazines.
By having an 'exercise' stash around your treadmill, you'll be inspired to workout AND you won't be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start exercising.
Again, this may seem simple, but it works. Why do you think gyms have magazines, televisions and CD players handy?
#4) Make an exercise plan.
Before you start working out, try making a plan, a "roadmap to your rock-hard body" so to speak. By writing down how long and what kind of workout you'll be doing in week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, you'll get yourself psyched up for success.
Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want.
By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you've planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you'll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!)
#5) Track your progress
Ok this is related to #4 but it's more of an ongoing thing. cincin tunangan Bandung By tracking your progress every day, you get a major sense of accomplishment which snowballs into even greater fat-burning results.
I suggest you have 'minimum goals' like "I'll walk for at least 10 minutes." or "I'll do 5-30 second intervals." These are easy to do and you'll probably go beyond them - which will encourage you even further and heighten your sense of accomplishment.
And of course, you're also getting maximum benefit from your treadmill!
Those are 5 ways to get best use from your home treadmill. Just remember that even a little bit of preparation will pay off large dividends in the long run.
- Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ) merupakan minuman yang mengandung Iridoid yang telah terbukti secara ilmiah dapat mengurangi bahaya radikal bebas, mengontrol kolesterol, meningkatkan energi, meningkatkan kesehatan jantung, meningkatkan sistim kekebalan tubuh, mengurangi peradangan, mencegah mutasi sel dan mendukung kerja otak.
*Bioaktif aktif adalah zat yang berasal dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang memiliki manfaat dalam tubuh
- Tahitian Noni Juice bukanlah obat, tetapi suatu Nutrisi Komplit yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan Tubuh & khususnya Sel kita. Terbuat dari buah Noni/Mengkudu/Pace yang dikombinasikan dengan sari buah Anggur & Blueberry, sehingga menghasilkan minumas jus yang enak.
- Tahitian Noni Juice, telah melalui proses penelitian yang panjang serta uji klinis langsung terhadap manusia dan telah menghadapkan patent dari USA dan pengakuan internasional dari Uni Eropa, sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi ragu untuk mengkonsumsinya.
- Tahitian Noni Juice merupakan Juice Noni pertama dan juga sebagai pencipta dan peneliti, yang tidak akan bisa ditiru oleh perusahaan lain. Tahitian Noni Juice murni, tampa bahan pengawet, mwnggunakan Pateurisasi, bukan fermentasi (seperti kebudayaan produk lain) yang diakui dan telah terdaftar dalam daftar resep PDR di USA
- Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ) telah melalui proses penelitian yang panjang serta uji klinik langsung terhadap manusia dan telah mendapatkan Patent dari USA. Mengandung 230 Nutrisi, 157 Phyto Nutrisi, 11 Vitamin, 17 Asem amino assensial dan bioaktif yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. TNJ menggunakan Pasteurisasi, bukan fermentasi/bahan pengawet serta didalam metode penelitian secara Invitro dan Klinis.
- Tahitian Noni Juice selain sebagai nutrisi & suplemen juga Pelindung Tubuh dari radikal bebas. Efek sinergi kadungan bioktifnya mampu menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit termasuk penyakit yang belum ada obatnya. Bekerja pada akar masalah bukan penghilang gejala penyakit. Dapat dikonsumsi oleh segala usia, tanpa efek samping, ketergantungan dan bisa bersinergi dengan obat dokter.
Tahitian Noni Juice dapat membantu bagi para penderita berbagai macam keluhan penyakit, kita dapat melihat bagan di bawah ini.
Hasil Penelitian 1.300 Pakar Kesehatan Terhadap 27.000 Pasien
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CEFIDS, Fibromyagia
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Diabetes, type 1 – 2
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Meningkatkan Energi
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Penyakit Jantung
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Tekanan Darah Tinggi
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Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh
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Penyakit Ginjal
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Daya Seksual
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Gangguan Tidur
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Kecanduan Rokok
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Peningkatan Kesehatan
Tahitian Noni Juice : memiliki kandungan yang sangat lengkap dan sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh kita pada 3 tingkatan, yaitu meningkatkan kesehatan kita secara umum, mencegah penyakit dan meningkatkan terapi medis sehingga lebih efektif dan efisien.
Cara kerja Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ) :
Cara kerja Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ) :
- Meregenerasi : menormalisasikan kembali sel-sel yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik
- Mengaktifkan : mengaktifkan kembali sel-sel tubuh yang tidak aktif
- Merejuvinasi : meremajakan sel-sel tubuh yang sudah tua
- Memperbaiki : memperbaiki sel-sel tubuh yang rusak
Dosis & Cara Mengkonsumsi TAHITIAN NONI Juice (TNJ)
TAHITIAN NONI Juice (TNJ) Menjaga Masa Depan Keluarga
Bisa digunakan untuk manusia, juga hewan dan tanaman. Dapat digunakan dalam kondisi apapun misalnya bayi, anak-anak, dewasa, wanita hamil dan sebagainya tanpa efek samping tanpa ada overdosis. Terapi biasa diminum setiap hari 2x sebelum makan dan sebelum gosok gigi pagi & malam dianjurkan loading dos @ 30 cc untuk dewasa, anak 5-10th cukup ½ nya, anak dibawah 5thn ¼ nya.
1. Kocok dahulu sebelum digunakan dan simpan ditempat yang dingin/sejuk
2. Tahan sekitar 20 detik didalam mulut tepatnya dibawah lidah sebelum ditelan( bukan dikumur ), untuk merangsang kelenjar pituiary dan pineal dibawah otak untuk produksi Serotonin dan Melatonin yang mengatur polatidur, mood, pubertas, siklus ovarium dan meningkatkan kelenjar thyroid, kelenjar thymus, pankreas dan hormon seksual
3. Bagi Lansia/Anak-anak sebaiknya menggunakan dosis terendah perberat per cc
4. Sebaiknya di konsumsi dalam keadaan perut kosong dan dibantu asupan air secukupnya
5. Biasanya tubuh mengalami proses Detoksifikasi dengan reaksi diantaranya demam, healing crisis, badan saki-sakit, mencret, pusing dll
6. Bagi penderita kronis diperlukan 3-5 dosis normal
7. Dosis normal 2 x shari
Pagi : 1 Fl. 0z (30ml) 1 jam sebelum makan pagi
Malam : 1 Fl. 0z (30ml) 1 jam sebelum makan malam atau seblum tidur
- DAPAT DIPAKAI KOMPRES UNTUK LUKA BERDARAH (untuk menghentikan perdarahan segera) dan dipakai terus untuk menghilangkan bekas luka DIKOMPRES
- DIPAKAI TETES MATA (botol baru buka sebelum dikocok, ditaruh di botol tetes mata)
- Dan lain-lain ( lihat buku 53 cara penggunaan Tahitian Noni® Juice)
Tabel penyajian ini mungkin berguna bagi mereka yang membutuhkan jumlah akurat dari Noni Juice yang perlu diminum berdasarkan ke-29 kondisi kesehatan yang ingin mereka perbaiki , berdasarkan pengalaman yang dilaporkan ;

Grup1 : Min 30cc/hari . Rata-rata 60 cc/hari
- Energi meningkat
- Kelemahan mental menbaik
- Peningkatan massa otot
- Daya seksual meningkat
- Perbaikan masalah rambut dan kulit
- Lebih mampu mengatasi stress
- Bugar, merasa lebih baik
Grup2 : Min 30cc/hari . Rata-rata 75 cc/hari
- Alergi, gejala berkurang
- Asthma membaik
- Pencernaan membaik
- Penyakit ginjal membaik
- Menstruasi, gejala berkurang
- Obesitas, penuruan berat badan
- Kualitas tidur meningkat
Grup3 : Min 30cc/hari . Rata-rata 90 cc/hari
- Arthtritis, gejala berkurang
- Depresi, gejala berkurang
- Diabetes, tipe 1 & 2 membaik
- Tekanan darah tinggi menurun
- Rasa sakit, termasuk sakit kepala berkurang
- Masalah pernafasan membaik
- Berhenti merokok
Grup4 : Min 30cc/hari . Rata-rata 105 cc/hari
- Kanker, gejala berkurang
- CFIDS, fibromyalgia,gejala berkurang
- Penyakit jantung gejala berkurang
- HIV, gejala berkurang
- Sistem kekebalan
- Multiple sclerosis, gejala berkurang
- Perkinson membaik
- Stroke membaik
1 botol noni juices per hari selama empat hari
½ botol noni juice per hari selama empat hari berikutnya
240 cc noni juice sehari selama 30 hari berikutnya
105 cc atau kembali ke takaran biasa
½ botol noni juice per hari selama empat hari berikutnya
240 cc noni juice sehari selama 30 hari berikutnya
105 cc atau kembali ke takaran biasa
Beberapa memperoleh hasil maksimal dengan meminum 45 ml noni juices seiap jamnya disaat terjaga, sementara lainnya dengan meminum 30 ml setiap jam. Beberapa bahkan memilih minum 60 ml atau lebih setiap jamnya. Cara minum noni dengan periode satu jam ternyata menunjukkan tidak hanya baik untuk orangorang dengan gejala kanker, namun juga orang-orang dengan masalah kesehatan lainnya.
Secara Umum : TAHITIAN NONI Juice (TNJ) dapat dikonsumsi sebagai berikut :
Tabel di bawah ini merupakan daftar loading dose (kejenuhan sel-sel hati) yang direkomendasikan, maintenance and/or preventive dose (dosis pemeliharaan dan/atau pencegahan) dalam ml liquid noni baik untuk dewasa maupun anak-anak. Menurut Dr. Heinicke, karena noni disimpan dan dikeluarkan oleh hati, maka tidak ada pendekatan terhadap berat badan. Noni harus dikonsumsi paling sebentar setengah jam sebelum sarapan dan setengah jam sebelum makan malam. Waktu untuk mengkonsumsi noni tidaklah begitu penting. Frekuensi mengkosnsumsi noni lebih penting dari hanya sekedar jumlahnya. Dan untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan secara umum, paling tidak noni harus dikonsumsi setiap 12 jam. Noni sebaiknya dikonsumsi dengan menggunakan campuran murni alami dari 89% jus murni dari tanaman noni digabung dengan 11% campuran jus anggur murni dan jus berry alami lainnya. Kombinasi khusus dari jus ini, telah diciptakan oleh Stephen Story and John Wadsworth, yang memungkinkan untuk mendapat rasa dan bau yang enak.
Loading Dose: Bulan 1
Liquid Noni [ml] | |
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
30 ml atau 4 sendok makan
½ Jam Sebelum Makan Malam
30 ml atau 4 sendok makan
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
½ Jam Sebelum Makan Malam
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
Therapeutic Dose: Bulan 2 sampai Bulan 6
Liquid Noni [ml] | |
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
30 ml atau 4 sendok makan
½ Jam Sebelum Makan Malam
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
Maintenance and Prevention Dose: Bulan 7 dan selanjutnya
Liquid Noni [ml] | |
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
½ Jam Sebelum Makan Malam
15 ml atau 2 sendok makan
| |
½ Jam Sebelum Sarapan
15 m atau 2 sendok makan
Untuk mendapatkan efek yang optimal dari noni, pertama Anda perlu untuk memenuhi hati dahulu dengan noni, ini disebut “loading dose“. Bulan 1, memberikan Anda sejumlah cairan noni untuk dikonsumsi di bulan pertama.
Setelah bulan pertama sampai bulan keenam, masuk therapeutic dose seperti dalam tabel mulai bulan 2 sampai bulan 6. Mulai bulan 7 dan selanjutnya merupakan Maintenance and Prevention Dose.
Noni telah dilaporkan aman untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui. Noni dapat juga dikonsumsi bersama-sama dengan semua obat lain – secara virtual tidak ada interaksi negatif. Dalam beberapa situasi noni dapat memungkinkan obat lain untuk bekerja lebih efisien. Anda harus memberitahu tenaga kesehatan profesional Anda bahwa Anda sambil mengkonsumsi noni, dokter Anda mungkin akan menurunkan dosis obat resep Anda. Hal ini sering mengurangi efek samping dari obat-obatan yang asli.
Noni dapat pula dikonsumsi balita dan bayi:
* Balita (1-5 tahun) = 7,5 ml atau 1 sendok makan;
* Bayi = 1 sendok teh.
* Balita (1-5 tahun) = 7,5 ml atau 1 sendok makan;
* Bayi = 1 sendok teh.
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